Cluster expansion phenomenon demonstrated by fluid droplets formed by inflated and collapsed bubbles.

Static and vibrated bubble spray experiments (2021) at 18, 22, 28, 40, 70 and 150hz

2D impact surface - bubble film (2D) > nuclei/droplets (3D)

Hercules Globular Cluster - Messier 13

The bubble spray and particle images have stellar and galaxy-like cluster characteristics that indicate an active hydrodynamic plasma mechanism in relative evolving structure, which can be identified as dark-mode flux tube "bubble" events from large scale currents. The "bubbles" expand and collapse spewing stars and/or galaxies.

Other experiments exposing micrometric particles in a gravitational field with laser beams generated random cluster-like patterns. The particle field was sequentially vibrated with a multifrequency tone creating various distributions of luminous reflections. If over time a field was vibrated by a single frequency with low amplitude, the changing luminous pattern was minimal indicating parallel astrophysical events and structure that are typically not observed in static observations.


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